• +91-91627 32562
  • contact@pilescurecenter.com

About Us

Welcome to Piles Cure center

Welcome to Dr Vikash Kumar's Piles Cure center (ksha srutra piles clinic & piles doctor in ranchi) where we specialize in advance ksharsutra technique for effective and lasting relief piles fistula fissure & pilonidal sinus. Our clinic offers a holistic approach to piles treatment, combining the traditional wisdom of Ayurveda with modern medical practices. Dr. Vikash and his dedicated team provide personalized care, ensuring your comfort and convenience throughout your treatment journey. Our Services: ✅ Piles ✅ Fissure ✅ Fistula ✅ Pilonidal sinus ✅ Kshar sutra ✅ Laser (Agnikarma) At Dr. Vikash's clinic, we prioritize your comfort and well-being. Our team is committed to ensuring a seamless and pain-free experience.

About Piles Cure Center

Dr Vikash kumar’s Piles cure center deals with all types of ano-rectal ailments, focusing primarily on Fistula, Piles and Fissure pilonidal sinus along with various other complications that include Prolapse Piles, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, proctalgia fugax, Perianal Abseess, etc. The clinic offers state- of –the-art treatment under the brilliant guidance of accomplished anorectal specialist Dr.Vikash kumar.

The Best Piles Doctor in Ranchi for rectal problems for the past 05 years, detected in thousand of people, achieving success in every case and bringing smile of relief on every face.

Piles Cure Center

The treatment method that Dr. Vikash Kumar follows has been recognized by WHO, AIIMS (New Delhi), PGI (Chandigarh) BHU(Banaras) and a host of other boards and institutions. His method of treatment relieves a patient from the trauma of operation, normal life in a day or two.

  • * All facilities are available under one roof.
  • * Medicines are made from scratch.

How We Treat

To start up, Dr. Vikash Kumar goes on an in-depth counselling session with the patient to find out not only the physical problem but also guide the patient morally and psychologically through out the treatment procedure. Tests and medical investigations are done as and whenever required before the ksharsutra operation. These are then followed by the actual ksharsutra surgery.

Dr. Vikash Kumar:

Ayurveda, known from ancient times is a very well renowned therapy for every type of disease or any treatment to be cured by using oils and paste which is made from plants. The word Ayurveda is a combination of two Sanskrit words 'ayus', meaning 'life' and 'Veda', meaning 'science', thus Ayurveda means the 'science of life.’We are a multi-specialty hospital dealing in the treatments with Ayurveda. Here, the oils or the paste which are being used during the treatments are made from scratch.